Whoop in the Workplace

A few months ago, Malik approached me and asked if I was interested in getting a Whoop. I looked at him and said, “what the heck is that?” Malik’s response - “it’s really cool. It tracks your life.” Little did I know that I would actually become an extremely big fan of it. 

If you’re like how I was and have no idea what this thing is, let me break it down for you. A Whoop is a small strap you wear 24/7 on your wrist that tracks your recovery, strain, and sleep performance. Your recovery is based on 4 factors: heart-rate variability, resting heart rate, sleep, and respiratory rate. Your strain is calculated throughout the day on a scale from 1-21. Depending on your recovery, it will tell you your optimal strain goal for the day. While you sleep, it tracks the length of each sleep cycle, how many disturbances you have, and the efficiency of your sleep. 


Throughout my life, I have typically been a pretty active person. I played three sports all throughout high school and did my best to workout throughout college. However, that definitely didn’t turn out as well as I wanted it to. After I graduated, I started taking exercising more seriously. I used my Apple Watch to track my workouts. When Malik introduced me to the Whoop, I thought it could be a better alternative to help me reach my fitness goals, so I gave it a shot. It has not only played a huge role in my fitness journey, but also my day to day experience in the workplace. 

I noticed that I performed significantly better at work, completing all my tasks for the day when I would get 80% or more of my sleep need.  Every night, I will get a notification from my app that says “time to get ready for bed to be asleep at __ to get 100% of your sleep need😴”. In the past, I would have ignored this message and gone to bed whenever. However, after noticing how much more productive I can be if I do get the amount of sleep I need, I started taking it a lot more seriously! And, since then, I am continuing to perform better during the day because of the consistent sleep schedule I have. 


Another big aspect that has affected my performance in the workplace is my recovery. I started noticing trends in my lifestyle that would affect my recovery, whether it was not drinking enough water the day before, eating poor foods, or even drinking a glass of wine before bed. So, I made some changes. Now, my recovery is in the green more than not during the week! A higher recovery also helps me stay more focused at work. I am not sluggish or sleepy; instead, I am ready to take on any task that is given to me. It is almost like I just have a bigger boost of energy throughout the day. 

With us launching Sage only a few months ago, it has been really important to me to give it my all during work. People often form their opinions the first time they are introduced to something, so I have been working tirelessly to make sure if someone’s first opinion is formed from our social media, that hopefully it is a good opinion. And, as cheesy as it sounds, my Whoop has helped me do it! Whenever someone asks me about the “black strap on my wrist”, I get so excited to tell them about it. Maybe a little too excited (my sister gets annoyed with me about it🙄). But I truly believe in this product! It has helped me put me go above and beyond for Sage Creative.