Importance of Hiring a Project Manager in the Office

Let me start off by introducing myself. Hi! My name is Madisen Morris, and I am the Project Manager here at Sage Creative. This means I do a little bit of everything, but mostly my goal is to keep everything running smoothly and efficiently around the office. I do everything from calendar management to client communication. 

So what exactly is a project manager and what do they do? That’s a great question with many different answers depending on what exactly your office is needing.  A project manager plays a lead role in planning, executing, monitoring, and controlling an organization’s projects. As a project manager at Sage Creative, a digital marketing agency, I do a lot in and out of the office. One of my main responsibilities is to help our team maintain consistency and accuracy throughout the entire project process. 

Being a project manager can require a lot of different skills, but I have narrowed it down to 3 that I would consider to be the most important both when considering potential hires. I also think it is important to make sure current project managers have these 3 skills as well.

3 Important Qualifications of Any Project Manager 

1. Be Organized!!! 

Since I can remember, I have LIVED by my planner. I always tell my friends and family, “If it’s not written in my planner, it’s probably not getting done!” Being organized might be the most important qualification of a potential employee, considering the main task of a project manager is to keep the projects running and keep the team organized. One thing I have found the most helpful is keeping a very detailed Google Calendar and also a written agenda or planner. Not everybody is wired the same way, but I prefer my calendar to be color-coded so I can keep track of what is most important. Don’t jump straight into a colorful rainbow writing, but take it one step at a time. Try it for one day and see how it works for you and your office. This is the current planner that I am using, and I love it! 

2. Be a Strategic Business Partner. 

Just because you are in charge of keeping things running behind the scenes does not mean that you are not also on the front lines. Actually, this means you are most likely the point of contact for the client. In addition to running things behind the scenes, you need to be able understand exactly what is being presented to or contracted with the client. You are not just there for organizational purposes, but you are an integral part of the sales team. A project manager needs to build true relationships with their clients; this will set your company aside from others. One aspect that we stress at Sage Creative is that everybody on our team is encouraged to build real relationships with our clients. We want to get to know you deeper than the content or services we are offering you! 

3. Be an Encouraging and Influential Team Member. 

As a project manager, you are the link between your team members and your clients. In order to succeed outside of the office, you need to encourage a cohesive team within the office. Open communication is key. Just as in nature, we know beautiful things cannot truly flourish when they are in a toxic environment. 

While there are so many more important qualifications when it comes to project management, these are the top 3 that I have quickly learned I use the most. Being a project manager boils down to being organized, being personable, and being a team player! The rest of the qualifications can essentially be taught. Whether you yourself are a project manager looking to improve your skills or you are a business owner looking to hire a project manager, consider these qualifications!

Malik Sharp
Instagram: A Video Platform? How Your Business Needs to Adjust to this New Change

Time to start off with an introduction. Hi! My name is Kate Herzke, and I am the Director of Marketing here at Sage Creative. This means I do a little bit of everything, but mostly social media management, brand development, and content creation. Out of everything, social media takes the cake as my favorite task. Out of the 100+ social media platforms, Instagram has always been and probably will always be my favorite.


Instagram is a platform that is great for numerous things. Most importantly, Instagram is a great tool for businesses. Two hundred million users visit a business page on Instagram each day. That is a lot of traffic that you could draw into becoming potential customers! Since the beginning, Instagram has been primarily a photo sharing platform. However, this fall, the head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, says that will change. 

As other platforms are rising in popularity, there is one aspect they all have in common: video. Mosseri has concluded that to compete with these apps and remain at the top, his entertainment platform will have to change and be considered a video-sharing platform. Currently, video is shared through stories, reels, or IGTV; but there is a plan to expand on these features. So far, Instagram has been vague on how this will happen, but we do know that it is in the works. 

Right now, Instagram holds second place in most amount of time users spend on a platform. However, TikTok is a close third. Experts believe that it is not long before TikTok surpasses Instagram and takes second place. That is one of the main reasons Instagram plans on making this change. 

So what does that mean? Will Instagram not allow you to post photos anymore? Not necessarily. Instagram will always have the ability to share photos, whether it be through posts or stories. However, the app will organically push more videos towards the audiences. This means their algorithms will change. I know what you’re going to say; it seems like Instagram is always changing their algorithms. However, this one will {hopefully} have a positive impact among its users, specifically businesses who adapt to this new algorithm.

I’m sure you’re wondering “how can my business adapt to this change and adapt to it well?” In regards to social media, consistency with your branding, with your engagement, with your posting, etc. is key. I think it is safe to say consistency is going to be a key factor in this situation too. By consistently posting videos, Instagram will appreciate your content and push it to new users through the explore page, reels, or ads. I know this can be scary for many businesses. Posting photos is comfortable and familiar, but posting videos can be daunting. How do you make a good quality video? How do you create eye-catching content that will make the viewers want to watch the whole thing? Well, it’s a little easier than you may think. Here are a few tips that can help!

  1. Prioritize audio. No one wants to listen to a video where you can barely hear what is said or if background noise takes away from the main audio. Invest in a good microphone! There are plenty that you can use that just plug into your phone. 

  1. Use a clean background. Although they are adorable, puppies running around in the video background will detract from your message!

  2. Speaking of your phone, use it to your advantage. Film horizontally instead of vertically. Use the grid feature to make sure everything is in line. Film with your back camera, rather than front. 

  3. Most importantly, plan!! Know what you are going to talk about in your video. Maybe even practice and listen to yourself a few times. This will ensure that you are getting your message across. 

If you are still feeling a little overwhelmed, let us help! Our background here at Sage Creative is videography. We have a team of video and social media professionals who would love to help! What is your vision? Share it with us, and we will bring it to life, showcased in the best way possible. Like we say, focus on your business. For the rest (in this case Instagram), we’ve got you covered.